
Andrew was born in a small town outside of Prague in the Czech Republic. At the age of seven, his family escaped communism of former Czechoslovakia and spent two years living in various refugee camps before immigrating to Canada and settling in the Okanagan Valley.

After being introduced to airplanes early on by his grandfather, Andrew’s dream was to become a pilot. He has followed this dream, and with it embraced opportunities to travel and live abroad. He spent over three years living in South Asia, and another five years in Europe before finally settling in Vancouver, B.C. on Canada’s west coast.

Andrew’s desire to write stories began in his late teens but took until his mid-30’s before the desire would become a reality. Andrew published his first novel, The Foxhole, in 2019. In his writing, Andrew enjoys giving his readers a glimpse of what the world looks like through his eyes.

Andrew lives with his wife Veronika and their two kids, Annia and Mateo. In addition to writing, Andrew loves to run, surf, and take time to appreciate the small things in life.


