Small Details are BIG

I’ve begun working on a rough outline for my next novel. I wasn’t completely sold on what story I wanted to write, but I had a few ideas floating around in my head. Mostly visions about the character, the setting, and the conflict. Out of all the possible stories I had in mind, there was one I was particularly keen on – one that kept calling out to me louder than the others. So I began imagining the story, (often during my runs), and the pictures of scenes and characters quickly began to take shape.

Based on some solid advice I once heard from another author, I let the idea percolate in my head for a few days before getting down to any serious work – only jotting down rough outline points, brainstorming ideas, thoughts, etc.

After several days of playing with the idea, I wasn’t completely satisfied with how the plot would fit with the character I had in mind. There seemed to be a missing puzzle piece, and it didn’t feel right to me. I began to question the plausibility of the story, and whether the idea I’ve had would even work.

Then I thought of a few very small details – tiny little points relating to the character which completely turned things around, and suddenly everything began to make sense. The character and story instantly fit into place, and the idea got exponentially more exciting.

It’s the smallest details that often make the biggest difference and carry the biggest punch.